Premium rental apartments in Prague

In a desirable Prague location, on the border of Větrník and Petřiny, we offer new attractive housing not only for young professionals. The Comenius House, designed by J&T Real Estate and the KAAMA architectural studio, represents a completely new standard of modern living not only for millennials.

Available units
Zbývá volných
Mám zájem


The heart of the house is an atrium with greenery, irrigated by accumulated rainwater. Everything you need is concealed under one roof. Whether it's parking or other services. You don't even have to go anywhere for shopping. There's a popular supermarket chain store right in the building.

Wherever you go, you don't have to worry about spending a lot of time on the road. There's a tram and bus stop right outside the house. And Petřiny metro station is just a few minutes' walk away.


Who says that the first independent living must be equal to a dorm or a student apartment? Choose from 232 equipped units for rent and live your own way!



A whole new standard of modern living, not just for millennials.

  • atrium with greenery in the courtyard
  • private parking
  • supermarket


The project boasts a range of green technologies to make it environmentally friendly.

  • LED lights as a standard
  • air recuperation
  • rainwater harvesting


Tram and bus stop right next to the house. Petřiny metro station is just a few minutes walk away.

  • public transport availability
  • extensive parks in the neighbourhood
  • amenities in the vicinity

We will be available to you for the entire period of your stay.

24/7 Support

Round-the-clock client support and assistance from our administrators is available. We can advise and help you with repairs and other requirements.

Reliable insurance

The right insurance will give you greater peace of mind at home. We will automatically arrange special home and liability insurance for you.

Online client zone

Thanks to the online client zone, you can keep track of your housing at all times. You'll also find a handy form for easy and quick reporting.

Payment overview

You will receive a monthly payment summary by email. In the client area, you will find information on rent and utility deposits.

  • > Greenery in the atrium
  • > Supermarket LIDL
  • > Subway 3 min. walk
  • > Civic amenities in the vicinity
  • > Prague city centre within easy reach
  • > Parking directly in the building

Offer of available units

1+kk unit

🏠 27 m2

💰 14 000 Kč

2+kk unit

🏠 35 m2

💰 16 000 Kč

3+kk unit

🏠 83 m2

💰 27 000 Kč



Mám zájem o prohlídku jednotky 2+kk

Mám zájem o prohlídku jednotky 3+kk

Mám zájem o prohlídku

Úspěšně odesláno, děkujeme za váš zájem

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Další volné byty

Něco se pokazilo

Zkuste prosím formulář odeslat znovu. Pokud by problém přetrvával, prosím kontaktujte nás.

Pronajměte byt výhodněji

Společně probereme, jak co nejlépe pronajmout vaši nemovitost.

Výborně, odesláno

Ozveme se vám během jednoho až dvou dní. Mezitím můžete mrknout, jak vám Ideální nájemce ušetří čas, peníze i starosti.

To mě zajímá

Něco se pokazilo